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10 Favorite Movies • Page 12

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by timcsheehan, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. I Love You, Man is one of my favorite comedies. So many moments in that one.
  2. TedSchmosby


    Jason Segel and Paul Rudd are two of the most likeable guys in the comedy scene
    Anthony_D'Elia and CarpetElf like this.
  3. Davjs


    I know Rudd has Ant Man, but what has Segel been up to? The world needs more of him.
  4. Made me of fan of theirs from then on. Plus, because of that movie, we got this interview.

  5. Not much after HIMYM ended. He was in that Sex Tape movie with Cameron Diaz, which I heard was terrible. He was in a movie called The End of the Tour that was cool 'cause he got to show his dramatic chops. He's also in a Netflix movie coming out soon called The Discovery.
    Davjs likes this.
  6. Davjs


    I thought Sex Tape was ok, run of the mill comedy but I wouldn't call it terrible. Never heard of the others, I'll check them out!
  7. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

    Sex Tape is one of the worst movies I've ever tried watching. I've been a big Jason Segel fan, but I couldn't even finish that one when I was drunk
  8. TedSchmosby


    I'm a huge Segel fan too, and I think that was the reason I at least thought Sex Tape was run of the mill. He was the best character in HIMYM, Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared, brilliant in The End of the Tour, and his writing with Sarah Marshall and The Muppets was fantastic. The Five-Year Engagement was a bit bloated, but still an engaging movie. I ought to watch it again as a refresher actually.

    I'm super excited for The Discovery.
    When I first read about it about a year ago, there was barely an info on it and 2017 seemed so far away. Even now, I thought it wasn't coming out for months and I just checked and saw it's coming out in a week. Yes!
    Davjs likes this.
  9. The One I Love is one of my favorite movies in recent years, so I'm excited about The Discovery as well.
    SpyKi likes this.
  10. TedSchmosby


    How are the two related? And should I watch The One I Love tonight? I like Mark Duplass in Creep and Safety Not Guranteed, and I have The Puffy Chair on my watch list
  11. Charlie McDowell directed both, and Justin Lader wrote both. McDowell is also credited as a writer on The Discovery.
  12. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    If you haven't seen The One I Love, definitely do so. I love that film.
  13. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    there's a thing going around social media where you do your favorite movies from every year you've been alive, here's mine,some years were really tough so some of my faves are missing
    Nathan and Aregala like this.
  14. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

    I wanted to do one of these but I'm still v much in the process of becoming cinema literate so it's been hard to find justified choices for the earlier years
    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  15. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    I also did it. But I have since rewatched Eyes Wide Shut which would now top Magnolia for 1999.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  16. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    i did one too a couple days ago

  17. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    My go to Top 5 is:

    1) Memento
    2) True Romance
    3) Pulp Fiction
    4) The Prestige
    5) Eternal Sunshine

    I'd have to think long and hard about what would round out the bottom 5 but Assassination of Jesse James, American History X, Inglorious Basterds, Blue Valentine and The Departed would probably be in there.
  18. fronkensteen


    Is there a good site that easily lists each movie by year?
  19. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    1991: Silence of the Lambs
    1992: Aladdin
    1993: Groundhog Day
    1994: The Lion King
    1995: Braveheart
    1996: Trainspotting
    1997: Good Will Hunting
    1998: The Big Lebowski
    1999: American Beauty
    2000: American Psycho
    2001: Amelie
    2002: Punch Drunk Love
    2003: Big Fish
    2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    2005: Serenity
    2006: The Prestige
    2007: Superbad
    2008: The Dark Knight
    2009: The Hangover
    2010: The Social Network
    2011: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    2012: The Avengers
    2013: Before Midnight
    2014: The Raid 2
    2015: Room
    2016: Manchester by the Sea
    2017: Logan

    I guess that would be mine.
  20. cshadows2887

    Hailey, It Happens @haileyithappens Supporter

    I can't just cut it off at the year of my birth. It'd bug me.

    1920: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
    1921: The Phantom Carriage
    1922: Nosferatu
    1923: Safety Last!
    1924: Sherlock, Jr.
    1925: The Gold Rush
    1926: The Adventures of Prince Achmed
    1927: Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
    1928: The Crowd
    1929: The Love Parade
    1930: All Quiet on the Western Front
    1931: City Lights
    1932: One Way Passage
    1933: Duck Soup
    1934: It Happened One Night
    1935: Top Hat
    1936: Swing Time
    1937: Make Way for Tomorrow
    1938: Angels with Dirty Faces
    1939: The Wizard of Oz
    1940: The Philadelphia Story
    1941: How Green Was My Valley
    1942: Casablanca
    1943: The Ox-Bow Incident
    1944: Arsenic and Old Lace
    1945: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
    1946: It's a Wonderful Life
    1947: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
    1948: Letter from an Unknown Woman
    1949: The Third Man
    1950: All About Eve
    1951: Strangers on a Train
    1952: The Quiet Man
    1953: Roman Holiday
    1954: Rear Window
    1955: Lady and the Tramp/Guys and Dolls
    1956: The King and I
    1957: 12 Angry Men
    1958: Vertigo
    1959: Black Orpheus
    1960: The Apartment
    1961: West Side Story
    1962: To Kill a Mockingbird
    1963: The Pink Panther
    1964: Mary Poppins
    1965: Doctor Zhivago
    1966: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
    1967: The Jungle Book
    1968: Once Upon a Time in the West
    1969: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
    1970: M*A*S*H
    1971: Bedknobs and Broomsticks
    1972: The Godfather
    1973: Live and Let Die
    1974: Young Frankenstein
    1975: Nashville
    1976: Rocky
    1977: Star Wars
    1978: The Last Waltz
    1979: The Muppet Movie
    1980: The Empire Strikes Back
    1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark
    1982: Blade Runner
    1983: Local Hero
    1984: Ghostbusters
    1985: Clue
    1986: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
    1987: The Princess Bride
    1988: Who Framed Roger Rabbit
    1989: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
    1990: Home Alone
    1991: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
    1992: The Muppet Christmas Carol
    1993: Addams Family Values
    1994: Ed Wood
    1995: Heat
    1996: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
    1997: Princess Mononoke
    1998: Saving Private Ryan
    1999: Magnolia
    2000: The Emperor's New Groove
    2001: Spirited Away
    2002: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
    2003: Finding Nemo
    2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    2005: Serenity
    2006: Children of Men
    2007: Ratatouille
    2008: Slumdog Millionaire
    2009: Coraline
    2010: The Social Network
    2011: The Descendants
    2012: Sliver Linings Playbook
    2013: Her
    2014: Interstellar
    2015: Steve Jobs
    2016: Kubo and the Two Strings
    SpyKi and fronkensteen like this.
  21. xkaylinh Mar 22, 2017
    (Last edited: Mar 22, 2017)
    Action movies:
    Battle Royale
    The Bourne Identity
    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    Kill Bill
    Mad Max: Fury Road
    The Matrix
    (leaving space for John Wick and The Raid, which I still need to see)

    Superhero movies:
    The Avengers
    Captain America: Civil War
    Captain America: Winter Soldier
    The Dark Knight
    Guardians of the Galaxy
    Spider-Man 2

    I was gonna do comedies, but I don't like a lot of comedies that aren't also something else (rom-coms, etc.)

    Starting from 1991:
    Terminator 2: Judgment Day
    The Nightmare Before Christmas
    The Lion King
    Jerry Maguire
    Good Will Hunting
    The Truman Show
    10 Things I Hate About You
    Almost Famous
    Spirited Away
    Lilo and Stitch
    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    Marie Antoinette
    In Bruges
    Up in the Air
    The Adjustment Bureau
    The Perks of Being a Wallflower
    Big Hero 6
    Mad Max: Fury Road
  22. fronkensteen Mar 22, 2017
    (Last edited: Mar 23, 2017)


    I'm using Wikipedia, so I imagine I'm going to miss something. I'll just do the last 15 years:

    2016 - Arrival
    2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
    2014 - Fury
    2013 - Her
    2012 - The Imposter
    2011 - Moneyball
    2010 - The Fighter
    2009 - The Fourth Kind
    2008 - Synecdoche, New York
    2007 - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
    2006 - The Fountain
    2005 - Brokeback Mountain
    2004 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    2003 - Mystic River
    2002 - Punch Drunk Love
  23. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    1991 - My Own Private Idaho
    1992 - Reservoir Dogs
    1993 - Dazed and Confused
    1994 - Pulp Fiction (or Hoop Dreams)
    1995 - Tommy Boy (or KIDS)
    1996 - Scream
    1997 - Boogie Nights
    1998 - The Big Lebowksi (or Can't Hardly Wait)
    1999 - Go
    2000 - American Psycho
    2001 - Wet Hot American Summer
    2002 - Punch Drunk Love
    2003 - House of 1000 Corpses
    2004 - Before Sunset
    2005 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (or The Devil's Rejects)
    2006 - Behind the Mask: Rise of Leslie Vernon
    2007 - Superbad
    2008 - In Bruges
    2009 - Inglourious Basterds
    2010 - Jackass 3D
    2011 - This is Not a Film (or The Tree of Life)
    2012 - The Master (or Spring Breakers or Holy Motors or The Act of Killing damn)
    2013 - Inside Llewyn Davis
    2014 - Boyhood
    2015 - Anomalisa
    2016 - Moonlight (or Everybody Wants Some or The Edge of Seventeen)
    fronkensteen likes this.
  24. Seigfried

    FKA The Celibate

    Why are they being interviewed by young chubby British Michael Cera