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‘Stranger Things’ Season 2 Trailer

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. honkytonk

    Narcissism on narcotics

    Wooo! Bummed I have to wait so long but excited nonetheless.
  3. James McKenzie

    How do I

    Normally need a reminder of events that previously happened in TV shows by the time a new season comes out, but everything about Stranger Things is still fresh in my mind and definitely still will be by the time Halloween comes around. Won't stop me from giving it another watch though, best show that's come out in ages.
  4. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Love this show, I can't wait for Season 2
  5. MikeERayner


    The hype on this show needs to calm the hell down. I really enjoyed the first season but every second post on every media outlet is about the show. Let's just Netflix and chill a little.
  6. ConArdist

    Subgenres Should Die

    That far away? Fuck, and God knows when The X-Files will return. At least we have a season two.