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‘Roseanne’ Canceled Following Racist Tweets • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 29, 2018.

  1. AshlandATeam


    You know what? I get what you're saying, but totally disagree. This shows there's a line. It DOES exist. You can be awful in Trump's America, but not THIS awful.

    Given the steady stream of awfulness coming from Trump and his supporters, I'm not sure that I was confident there was a line. I'm glad that for once, enough people were upset for it to make a difference. Because that hasn't been the case up to now.
  2. I understand your relief that there is still a line, but that doesn't mean we should pat ABC on the back. They gave her a mouthpiece by renewing this show. Far fewer people would give a fuck what Roseanne Barr had to say about Valerie Jarrett in 2018 if not for the renewal. They are culpable for thinking this was a good idea in the first place.

    And that's just talking about the person of Roseanne Barr off-camera, setting aside the fact that the show seems (haven't seen the new season, don't care to) to celebrate Trumpism via her character on the show.
    Essie and AshlandATeam like this.
  3. AshlandATeam


    I certainly don't want to give ABC a medal. But I guess I'm just glad at the outrage that forced their hand.

    I mean, like last week our president bragged about genocide. It happened. And people went, 'meh.' And other people (sadly and rightly) don't blink because is that in his top 10 awful things he's said over the last year? Hell, was it better or worse than, 'if you don't stand for the anthem you should leave the country'? That was just last week too!

    Horrible shit with no one blinking has become normal. People blinked this time! That's neat. Which gives me hope that maybe there's a point when the American public looks at the White House and blinks.
    DaydreamNation likes this.
    Raku and DaydreamNation like this.
  5. TerrancePryor Prestigious

    Well, I know Sara Gilbert, Emma Kenney, Laurie Metcalf, and John Goodman will be alright. No clue about the rest of the cast.
    SuNDaYSTaR and Raku like this.
  6. AshlandATeam likes this.
  7. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    It's absolutely crazy that anyone can defend this tweet and compare it to the jokes that 'liberal' talk show hosts get away with, as is rampant in the Fox News comments. It's absolutely INSANE, that any rational person can think it's a double standard that Michelle Wolf can say Sarah Sanders uses burnt lies as make up, is the same as what Roseanne said. It appears the hole is now too deep for those Trump supporters to climb out of even if they tried. The only way you're defending this, and claiming hypocrisy, or double standard, is out of pure stubbornness or stupidity.
  8. vein.ftm May 29, 2018
    (Last edited: May 29, 2018)

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah I can't wait for "this is freedom of speech!, but how dare you kneel during the national anthem!"
  9. Raku


    She gets no sympathy from me.

    How hard is it not to be dumb while you're on top of the game? Seriously. I have no other words because her own stupidity ruined not only her career (she was actually dropped from her management(S) for being not thinking), but the others who were working on the show (both behind, and in front of the cameras).

    I heard some suggesting they could still continue it under a new name, just killing her character off, or having her be written out in other ways (divorce), but I don't know if that would be possible. At this point I'm starting to believe that she may be so stupidly arrogant that she probably would try screwing everyone else over who wants to show to go on by suing them if they dare continue the show (under a different name) without her.

    (S)ource = Roseanne Barr Dropped By ICM Partners After Racist Tweets
  10. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Colby Searcy, Arry and Larry David like this.
  11. kpatrickwood

    Give what you can.

    This is the first time that lady has ever made me laugh.
    mattfreaksmeout likes this.
  12. Sal Paradise


    It’s actually easier than that, she could’ve gotten paid and been successful while still being racist and awful. All she had to do was not publicly tweet her racist awful thoughts.
    Colby Searcy, Essie and Raku like this.
  13. Clockwork


    I adore the original and even liked the revival well enough, but Roseanne the woman is truly vile, so this just tastes like sweet karma (with a little sadness that Sara Gilbert is being punished too).
  14. TerrancePryor Prestigious

    Sara has The Talk, so she's fine.
    Clockwork likes this.
  15. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Wow Viacom is pulling reruns too? And Hulu dropping it from streaming? They're not playing
  16. BTDandFeelingThis May 29, 2018
    (Last edited: May 29, 2018)

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I’m already seeing trump supporters claiming there’s reports it’s goinf to be picked up by Fox, with literally no evidence. Some of them are my former boss and coworkers;

    I go through a range of rolling my eyes, wanting to point out that’s a fake report, question their sanity as to WHY they would want it to be picked up. Realizing the dumb reason why, getting angry and deleting the post I’m typing, and repeat.

    People are stupid.

    Good did them, I Back that.
    Raku likes this.
  17. Raku


    I saw some people on twitter (people not fans of either) saying how it would be perfect on Fox, saying it would "go along perfectly with 'Last Man Standing'" as a dig against Tim Allen so I could understand where that misinformation came from.