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‘Nondescript Pop Punk Band Dropkicks a Girl Off Stage’ • Page 7

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. That's sad. I've been to so many shows (punk ones or not) and I've never seen fans being kicked out of the stage like that. Instead, band members have always been friendly, kind... idk... simply respectful. I feel so bad for her because she's probably blaming herself.
    jellyfishfossil likes this.
  2. Jacob Davidson


    I'm confused. Not liking pop punk is akin to drop kicking a fan?
  3. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    two thirds of your post directed at the writers when a guy kicked a girl off a stage? man come on.
    Mokena, DeviantRogue, AelNire and 2 others like this.
  4. Clark

    @yttebkralc Prestigious

    Someone said he previously did this to a male fan yet this is about him hating women? And where was the outcry when he did it then?

    I've never listened to the band and completely agree he is in the wrong, but the sexism angle is perplexing. It seems like he's just an asshole that kicks his fans off the stage.
  5. Montauk1222

    Trusted Prestigious

    This dude is such a insufferable douche of course he'd be down with this. Pop punk culture is so cringe worthy that it bothers me I used to be so into it.

    Edit: the rest of his tweets seem to be against what Parker did but kid is still a dbag.
  6. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Silly question.

    The reason is this guy has shown before now to have sexist tendencies, and now he's kicking young girls off stage.
    alexaanne likes this.
  7. Jacob Davidson


    His lyrics say he is a sexist douche and he was an asshole then and now.
  8. Clark

    @yttebkralc Prestigious

    I'm not saying he's not sexist just that this doesn't seem to have anything to do with him being sexist. He doesn't seem to be too discerning in who he kicks off stage. And it should be just as wrong for him to kick a male fan as it is for him to kick a female fan. Can we agree that bands shouldn't attack their fans, period?
  9. TerrancePryor Prestigious

    I have never seen Irving Plaza do a barricade-less show. Even when they had Cro-Mags and Anti-Nowhere League, there was a barricade.
  10. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    but he is sexist, and kicking a girl off the stage. it deserve's to be brought up. no one is disregarding what he has done before with regards to kicking people off stage, but the sexism is relevant.

    being a shitty person doesn't expunge you from being an even shittier person to women.
  11. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    Hate this band, hate that this happened and I hate all of the fans who are defending it. I am mad.
    nchlsnwtn likes this.
  12. No one said differently. Your fight here is against an argument no one made. If you have a specific question for someone that's pointed out the prevalent sexist issues with this band and how this plays in with that — that's fine to ask.
  13. Dctromotola

    Not a Newbie

    obviously not. why would someone think that? he's an awful dude who's been writing bad things about women for years. i just think its weird that these people clearly are turning their nose up at pop punk just as much as they are condemning parker, which should been 100% of the article.
  14. Clark

    @yttebkralc Prestigious

    I don't think I'm framing my question correctly. I'm not intending to fight. I'm just curious why - if he's done this before - it wasn't as big of a deal then.
  15. It was.
  16. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    It was a big deal then. People criticized him and the band immensely when he did it the first time. It was a problem then and it's still a problem now. Maybe this time there is a more passionate outcry because this is now the second time he's done this.
  17. SoundwaveUproar

    Regular Prestigious

    Thanks for this. It really bothers me that everyones first reaction was to lash out before actually checking on the person it directly effects. And the fact that the news articles were more concerned with taking shots at the band as well before giving an update bothers me the same. These conversations need to happen but not if it's unclear if the victims in a hospital bed first and taking a surprise dropkick easily could have landed her there
    jellyfishfossil likes this.
  18. dubey


    Parker Cannon is a very bad man in a very bad band

    Sorry for saying otherwise
    alexaanne likes this.
  19. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Why are you assuming it wasn't? It was.
  20. TotesAndGoats


    Whenever I read threads like this, I can't help but wonder how many of you went to shows before the internet existed?
  21. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    What does this have to do with a man kicking a girl off a stage?
  22. TotesAndGoats


    What kind of music? The singer from Cold World broke my jaw once during a stage dive, I didn't think anything of it.

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess. The internet is definitely not a place for differing opinions.
  23. cybele Apr 12, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 13, 2016)

    set our hearts ablaze

    If your "opinion" is that a grown man can literally kick people off the stage, and then be cheered on for that, without any repercussions then I can promise you the big bad internet isn't the only place where you will find people who disagree with you.
  24. TotesAndGoats


    Actually, I saw Bane play in Denver a couple weeks ago to a sold out venue.

    Boys and girls were getting thrown off the stage and kicked in the face in equal measure. Not a single video was posted on the internet about it. No national media covered it. Hell, I imagine it didn't even get mentioned on this website.

    It was amazing.

    Carry on though.
  25. St. Nate

    LGBTQ Supporter (Lets Go Bomb TelAviv Quickly) Prestigious

    Wow. Really?

    My first thought would be, "OWWWWW!! MY JAWWWWWW!!!"