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‘Nondescript Pop Punk Band Dropkicks a Girl Off Stage’ • Page 3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. crunchprank Prestigious

    I'm very much hoping some sort of charges are brought against him.
    alexaanne likes this.
  2. Stephen Young

    Regular Prestigious

    yeah, classic Touché shows always ended with 3/4 of the crowd on stage for "honest sleep" and in the 4-5 times I've seen them, no one got really hurt and everyone had good vibes. it's really interesting how "non-barrier" shows are glamourized by bands ("we're lucky to play with no barriers tonight! i wanna see everyone go wild!) and you expect all these stage divers to spend half the show running off stage, but as soon as someone takes a picture, they're worthy of getting assaulted.

    Man, some people are so selfish.
    CMilliken likes this.
  3. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I can't really speak on shows where going on stage/jumping off/tackling people is accepted and relatively safe, but doesn't the fact that it happens set a weird precedent for things like this to occur? I don't really see the positives of that sort of thing, IMO. Again, I'm an old fuck and don't really go to concerts anymore, so I can't speak on the positives.

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  6. heymeg


    She can't have been that big of a fan since it's common knowledge that they hate this and they have stated on numerous occasions (at least once every tour if I remember correctly) that they will kick you offstage or kick your phone etc for taking selfies onstage or otherwise being a stage potato. They do this all the time to people of any gender and only two or three times did anyone care. While I obviously don't think it's the appropriate way to handle the situation, I am perplexed the girl thought anything positive would happen as a result of her actions.
  7. basically what I would say is if you don't want fans on the stage or can't handle it then don't play a venue without barricades
    Raku likes this.
  8. if the stupid fucking band doesn't want people on stage then they need to play venues or shows with barricades
    Mokena, Raku and alexaanne like this.
  9. GEM37

    She haunts the roads

    JESUS! Is every band in this scene TRYING to fuck up?

    I was sad that Fireworks and Polar Bear Club disbanded, but hey maybe they were ahead of the curve!

    What's next: 'Lead singer beats young, over enthusiastic fan to death with microphone'?

    And then get a bunch of responses like: "Well look, they were both in the wrong."
  10. tommymcphail

    Death To Apathy/Get Busy or Get Left Behind

    I really enjoyed this response to the whole situation, particularly the implied call-to-action at the end. What needs to happen before this element of aggression/unsafe atmosphere is eliminated from shows?
    Butinsmallsteps likes this.
  11. Behind the Barricade

    I'm guessing you're talking about my comment? I was going with the latter with both are wrong in some sense. It's more of a 90%/10% level of wrongness (if that's a word). An on-stage selfie is annoying, dangerous and shouldn't be allowed at all. However, it doesn't warrant a dropkick. I mean, Randy Blythe got into huge trouble by just pushing a fan offstage with no intent to harm them. Parker wanted to send a message and their fanbase ate that up, wanting more violence. The only way he's going to stop is by getting arrested because, let's be honest, TSSF won't get dropped by Pure Noise. I hope the girl is okay physically but emotionally, it's going to scar her.
    Raku likes this.
  12. SoundwaveUproar

    Regular Prestigious

    So maybe I missed it in all the talk about feminism/ TSSF's shit lyrics/ and whatever else people feel is important

    but does anyone have an update on if the girl is actually okay... I really didnt see anything in those two articles telling me anything about her condition which I kinda think should be the priority before anything else is dived into.
    Luroda likes this.
  13. There were multiple comments that said similar things here, and in the comments on other sites I read (and Twitter — which I should stop reading); I was talking about it as a blanket statement in general, not specific to you.
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  15. Ainsley&MyWhetstone


    Yikes, it's frightening how many people are still posting in here about how they don't understand how this young woman expected anything but violence.
  16. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    Jeez, this band is such a joke
    Raku likes this.
  17. -removed-

    Trusted Prestigious

    The part about about this ordeal I don't get is all the sexist lyrics they write about are from the first album which I've seen them say they are trying to distance themselves from because it wasn't things their present selves are ok saying. I'm not a humongous lyrical guy but while it's obvious to my in the 1st album I'm having trouble remembering anything truly mysogonistic in the last album or even the second. (I'm in no mood to listen to either for it)

    Also I think everyone is so quick that this is terrible because this was to a woman when Parker has shown a history of doing this to other fans.

    Also Drew, besides them writing lyrics that of expect out of a pissed of 18 year old what did these people do that makes them so shitty.

    I'm in no way defending anything this band has done but I find the coverage lacking and only saw Noisey cover that this isn't the first time he's done that to a fan.
    Raku likes this.
  18. Behind the Barricade

    All good Jason. I agree with Twitter. It literally became the Lambgoat comment section.
  19. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Like the band a lot but this is idiotic. Apparently he did this to some dude trying to take a selfie last year too, so he has form for stupid violence. I think it's time to agree that this and the ETID response are fucking stupid. Why couldn't they just stop the song, tell her to stop and get off, then do the song again?

    Regarding their lyrics, I think bringing up lyrics from their first album that came out like 5 years ago is a little far fetched but probably deserved in this case.
  20. Penguin

    your favorite asexual icon Prestigious

    alexaanne and CMilliken like this.
  21. Sander


    A year or 2 ago everybody here would've been cheering him on.
  22. dvdjmskng

    The horizon is my home... Supporter

    I did wonder if this would be a bit of a fuss over nothing...and then I watched the video. I don't agree with people from the crowd getting up on stage + find it pretty selfish...but there is way of dealing with the situation like an adult, rather booting a girl into the 3rd row. Just horrible.
    Raku likes this.
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  24. Kennedy Prestigious

    Na, this websites only like a month old so this is a bad post.
  25. Sander


    i thought this was absolutePUNK!!!???
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  26. -removed-

    Trusted Prestigious

    The part that blows my mind is on the Glamour Kills comp that came out a couple years ago they recorded the AL4W song in a hardcore style because they said they come from that scene. So their response to people on stage blow my mind.
  27. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    Pretty sure when he did this to other fans a year or two ago people condemned him then.

    Yeah, bad post. Really bad post.
  28. rst


    Parker kicked the fan when her back was turned and zero threat to him, that's not ok (and criminal) . From what it appears he kicks all fans (male or female) who get on stage and take selfies, which is ridiculous and should be addressed by him/the band. He might be sexist for other things but i don't think there is a strong correlation of misogyny to this singular incident. I don't think it helped when absolutepunk accused that female fan of sexual assault against Parker when she got up on stage and kissed him. He seems like he's gotten pretty aggressive towards any fan he deems to have entered his personal space, which apparently to him is the entire stage at this point.
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