I’m going in cautiously optimistic. Not a surprise but their subreddit is a lot more positive on this record than this thread
Picked up the vinyl yesterday. Looking forward to spinning this my daughter is 3 months old so we’re keeping tv to a minimum. We’ve been...
This album rocks. I hope they release it on vinyl and its not just an 8123 popup exclusive
This album rocks. Honestly wasn’t a huge fan of Touch but this dampened any nervousness about what’s next for them. I listened to this while...
that would be awesome! Thank you. Also, I’m really happy to see so much Mansions love in this thread!
That’s a shame. I’ve picked up a lot of Mansions’ releases from them. I was hoping they’d find some of the Deserter EP laying around.
Finally checked out The Toxic Avenger tonight. That was something lol. I enjoyed it but my wife was on the computer in the same room and I could...
Lmao. I watched it on a flight to Japan and I had to watch it in three parts. I’m surprised that one seemed to go pretty under the radar
I watched this last night as well! Really enjoyed it
thank you! I watched out of the darkness or w.e that horror documentary is called, and they talked about Dolls. Hadn’t heard of it until then but...
thank you! Only seen Sleep away camp and the f13 movies from this list
Train to Busan and Coffee table were both great. I was going to show my wife The Coffeetable but my daughter was just born so I think that’s out...
Perfect 80s horror. Blob related and fun fact- The original blob from the 50s was filmed in the town I live in (Phoenixville, Pa) and they do...
Yesterday I checked out Dead Alive and Halloween 3. Honestly, pretty disappointed with both. With Halloween 3, I feel like its cult following is...
My daughter was born on 10/12 and I’m on parental leave so I’ve been churning out horror movies while she sleeps: Re-animator From Beyond Return...