    1. voicelogger
      voicelogger Jan 5, 2023
      Voice Broadcasting Mass Marketing Tool

      #Aegis_Informatics - Aegis offers the most reliable Voice broadcasting mass marketing tool. Aegis voice broadcasting feature of GSM FCT TURBO is trusted by thousand of businesses nation-wide.

      You have been missing out if you haven't tried voice broadcasting feature. Voice broadcasting Bulk voice call is an easy, quick, and extremely successful way to spread the word about your company and start generating more revenue!
    2. voicelogger
      voicelogger Dec 19, 2022
      #Aegis_Informatics : Aegis Telephone Call Recorder For Customer Support Service

      Call recording is a rescue tactic that aids in identifying the customers' strengths and weaknesses. Reading between the lines of the conversation will help you better understand them. Businesses can gather useful data and enhance their customer engagement strategy by recording customer care calls.
    3. voicelogger
      voicelogger Oct 17, 2022
      Business Landline Call Recorder - Fixed Cellular Terminal

      If you search for the business landline call recorder deals for your telemarketing business at affordable price contact to aegis informatics pvt. ltd. who provide all the telephone call recording solution as your requirement basis.
    4. voicelogger
      voicelogger Oct 11, 2022
      Aegis GSM Auto Dialer Software Provider for Easily Connect with customers

      Our Aegis GSM Auto Dialer Software is cheapest with lots of services in the markets compared to competitors. We exclusively provide Jio VoLTE services and charge costs Port wise only in the market exclusively.
    5. voicelogger
      voicelogger Oct 7, 2022
      Telephone Call Recorder Manufacturer
      Aegis Informatics Pvt. Ltd. sell business telephone call recording software with 4G Jio VoLTE. It is used for monitoring customer's quality service, employee’s performance can be improved, reduce frauds, resolve disputes and prevent lawsuits.
    6. voicelogger
      voicelogger May 21, 2022
      Voice Logger Technical Specification

      Aegis provide USB Voice Logger call recording device with technical specification for analog lines, digital trunk, digital extension, VoIP Lines, audio lines which is suitable for large, medium, small organization like call center, banks, hospitals, debt collection agencies, travels agencies, hotels, education and institute, Government Sector and also user can get myriads features centralized management, SMDR integration, customer satisfaction rating scale and user need technical specification so that voice logger software can be install and download easily.
    7. voicelogger
      voicelogger Apr 25, 2022
      Voice Logger 4 Line USB Telephone Recorder

      Aegis Voice Logger 4 line model no. AVL-U4B It is PC based telephone call recorder software and USB base computer connectivity which is capable to record calls from analog telephone line or PBX Extn.
    8. voicelogger
      voicelogger Apr 15, 2022
      IVR Base Call Routing

      #Aegis_Informatics - IVR feature allows customer or employees to connect with a PC through voice or touch-tone dialing. Aegis XN520TURBO IVR with call routing easily connect with your automated telephony system and make your interactions smooth with your callers without having to use a human operator. Through a series of menus and options, customers can get signal form IVR that will lead menus and options to the right department.
    9. voicelogger
      voicelogger Mar 25, 2022
      Aegis Speed Dial - GSM FCT Device XN520 TURBO

      #Aegis_Informatics - Make your communication easier with aegis XN520TURBO GSM Voice Terminal. User can make a very easy experience of calling the telephone number by pressing a double digit on the keypad using the speed dial function. With the use of our device, you may save, organize, and get easy access to regularly dialed number.
    10. voicelogger
      voicelogger Feb 22, 2022
      Want to record active calls or conference calls digitally?

      Give your business Aegis XN520TURBO GSM Voice terminal and Call recordings software to record a voice conversation over an audio source. Convert your phone lines and recording conversation into digital format by using our voice logging system that performs with additional hardware and software.
    11. voicelogger
      voicelogger Jul 16, 2021
      Voice Logger - Maintain the transparent relationship with the customer
      Aegis Informatics - The sphere of call recording in organizations has expanded significantly over the years due to legitimate or compliance reasons. Our GSM Voice Terminal XN520 meets the requirements for call recording and provide in-builit call recording facility, which enables the user to record telephone conversations into SD card systematically for quick, and relevant search. The file generated for a minute of recording so abysmal of 40 KB, the user can do the recording 350,000 minutes of recording with 16 GB of in-built memory provided along with the Voice Terminal.
    12. voicelogger
      voicelogger Jun 24, 2021
      #Aegis_Informatics - Voice Logger Benefits

      The major benefit of using voice logging software is that customer service could be improve easily by monitoring the interactions of the call center management staff with customers. This software can also resolve complaints before they become major issues. If you find a call that become very worst, you may ask your experience person to talk customer back and ask about worst call so that things make right.
    13. voicelogger
      voicelogger Jun 19, 2021
      #Aegis_Informatics - Flag, Add a Note and Search Recorded Calls in GSM Voice Terminal
      Aegis Informatics Provide Call Recording Software. It has provision of flag, add a Note and Search Recording Calls Flag: here the user can flag a recorded conversation for future use, when user pressed the flag option it automatically add a flag stamp on that file so that the user can know when he was interested in that specific conversation file. Users can flag the call as a bookmark. Add a Note: User may give the important notation. if the user has some important messages, it can be noted in aegis call recording software and most important feature "Search the Recorded Calls" User can easily search the important calls date and month wise.
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    Jan 1, 1989 (Age: 36)
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