I work from home thank God
Brandy >>>>>>>
She has like 2,5 good to great albums
Also this is not a take about their music, but this narrative that Taylor Swift or Beyonce are as big as Michael Jackson, or maybe even Madonna,...
Can you guys tell someone at work pissed me off majorly today
Big facts
My Krazy Life...
I'd rather listen to Live Through This than Nevermind
I got so many of these
Never Mind the Bollocks kicks ass and the relative hate for it by a weird amount of people who claim to like this kind of music it has to be pure...
Just listened to them. Sara is exactly the kind of song that makes me not like them. The Chain is okay, I guess, but I wouldn't ever put it on....
The Rolling Stones at their best...
The only music Lady Gaga made that I actively want to listen to is with Tony Bennett Unless we count Poker Face sung by Cartman
Listening to right now! Pretty cool yeah. The horns are great. Also doesn't make me vaguely think of ABBA, which is a big plus.
Everywhere is one of the world's great songs but also the only Fleetwood Mac song (granted, haven't heard them all, because I don't want to) that...