They were sleeping. But now they are awake.
I’ll take Kate Bishop in any form thanks
Corbin is still 10 times better but this is another guy that seemed like a perfect WWE guy. Funny how the ex WWE guys show up to TNA and now it’s...
That was some atrocious phoenix defense
He’s probably just angry at his son now
Castle for ROY
Why doesn’t he just start his own promotion. Even though his dad ruined the name, I’m sure he has some connections with some execs. Now would he...
I feel so seen right now
Bring back the pokewalker even if it’s just a smartphone app
Bianca also is on all the promotional material. Commercials. Has (had?) her own reality show. Does the talk shows. And that’s just outside the...
I really don’t think the spurs are the type of organization to shut him down just to not pay incentives. They aren’t owned by Jerry Jones. And I...
Damn Wemby
Finally watching Finn/Rollins and damn that was the best pedigree I’ve seen in decades
This has my mom written all over it. She’s in desperate need of replacing her SE
I meant more so he’s not the shiny new ex AEW toy. Hopefully after the Ricky feud they can make room for him on the main roster. He’d be a good...