This has some of his best songs but on first listen was prob his weakest album to me. The stuff I don’t like I really don’t which isn’t the case...
Anyone else notice the shaky cam when Helly R comes back to the severed floor for the first time? Felt really extreme in a way I haven’t noticed...
Bills d sucked in the state it was in in the playoffs. I liked both their and Baltimore's offense better than KC's this year, but I think KC...
Aaron Schatz is a legend, what a weird hill for him to die on lol
Passing Brady definitely still in play for Mahomes but v silly to suggest he has already. Pretty easy to make the argument he's already #2 though
It was a great season.
That was amazing, thought the absence of crowd noise the whole time was kinda odd but to finally pipe it in for A minorrrr was an unbelievable choice
make up call lets go!
it's fixed
Might just be me but their run of peak albums feels a bit forgotten about to me at this point, or at least feels like it should be talked about...
JP - amazing LW - underrated but hurt by the dumb San Diego part JW - flawed but overall fine JP3 - a huge step down from the first two but still...
this is legit bang on
My ideal JP reboot: the world thinks this shit is over. A plane/ship crash on a remote island, surprise there are a shitload of dinos. Movie is...
Dialogue looks almost shockingly bad. I will see it; probably week 1, but my expectations are in check. JW1 was good