wow good times :')
peep the account, cool batch of people though. kind of hard to imagine them topping the visual style of the pokemon in detective pikachu, felt...
have not stopped listening to this, and now i have tickets for the brooklyn show
i liked their page on facebook back in the day and got a lot of funny reactions out of it lol
very much on the illit boat, magnetic and midnight fiction are marvelous. also heard good things about the boynextdoor single, should give that a go
this is really special, reminds me a lot of what the night people label used to release when they were active. had also never heard their previous...
havent posted here in a while but i did wanna share some stuff... in general i didnt keep up with kpop too much last year, aside from newjeans i...
finally getting out of the rock tunnel (didnt have flash) and being rewarded with the lavender town music
not sure how many people yall like to have but if theres space id love to join in. my old group has sort of disbanded and after missing a season...
im on probably my 12th straight listen of eta, what a tremendous song. asap is gorgeous, and new jeans which i liked less that super shy has grown...
honestly did not realize that hadnt come out yet, i just figured it did and nobody talked about it.
whoah, that is quite the last pack pull congrats. figure id share my own recent acquisitions. [ATTACH]
cp3 and kobe lakers would not have been good, its a bad pairing
been singing super shy all day
sometimes it bothers me that mappa keeps taking on projects despite already having their plate full with series that should be getting adapted at...