Tough hit
I wish whoever puts these together would fudge a little and put Pittsburgh instead of Mckee's Rocks, PA. I scan these quickly looking for...
I've had good luck in the past with Matamo for an analytics replacement. I really love Amplitude if you're looking for something more event-based....
I have to think your audience would totally understand a sign up then support flow. Seems like the easiest (and quickest) solution as a stop-gap...
Oh! I found it. I haven't been back to the theater yet either. 1/2 covid and 1/2 a new 6 month old. Luckily there haven't been too many movies...
Did you go to the theater for The Worst Person in the World? I've been trying to watch that for months!
I was at the Pittsburgh show and it was hilarious. You can tell that everyone was having a great time. I was standing next to the sound guy and he...
I only use iTunes to manage my pretty large library (never bought anything from apple). I've never really been a fan but also never found a good...
What a great first few lines for a late night debut. "Just like the kids I've been navigating my way Through the mind-numbing reality of a...
Found this really interesting especially in light of the Ryan Adams revelations earlier this week.
I honestly think it's insane that Bohemian Rhapsody is nominated for Best Picture. I liked the move but it's nowhere near best picture level....
For sure a result of streaming. They're just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks as a hit. I don't think it's as much of a thing in the...
If you're ashamed of something you did when you were younger and have the chance to change it then why the hell not? It's a pretty good lesson...