Amazing work everyone! This is seriously incredible :hearteyes:
Also a holidays comp that sounds cool! I'd be down!
@Benjamin Lee your holiday compilation idea makes me wonder if we should title this October compilation "Happy Hallow-Days" or something cheesy...
I'm doing "Witches" by Alice Phoebe Lou!
I was cooking up a spooky cover but my laptop died on me recently and it's being repaired. I had to ship it off, and I'm not sure when it will be...
@genericities Do you have a SoundCloud or any other stuff I can listen to? Of all the stuff on this compilation, your sound resonates with me the...
this album cured my migraine
jfc this is so good
Halfway through -- this is fantastic so far! Looking forward to listening to the second half this afternoon :heart:
Just submitted a cover :) Super excited to hear what others have done!