I do, but depending on what you use to watch, the VPNs usefulness varies. I have NordVPN, but somehow Roku knows what's up and won't let me...
My only complaint about this tournament instead of All Star weekend is it seems to take an extra day or two away from the NHL. But this...
I think it was Shanahan that had my all time favorite disintegrated set of shoulder pads. They looked like they were made by Always, somewhere...
Yes sir, Mr. Duckworth! Quack quack, Mr. Duckworth!
Could you understand anything he was saying? I heard that's a big problem for people.
Swap the anthem for Cotton Eyed Joe, and everyone's happy.
It's kind of like when Theo Fleury would throw hip checks in the All Star Games. They weren't crazy, but given the circumstances it was pretty wild.
If it helps, I'm probably a lot older, so I've had a lot more Toronto fan wake ups than you. My key has been numbness. If they ever do win the...
I'm sure it's slightly less funny for Angels fans, but I just have to appreciate the works of art of not playing baseball he has created. I'm...
I post here to win, not make friends.
Listen to this young man problem. On the other hand, last night I was whining to my wife about the need for Bud Bowl to return.
More like PEE-peat.
Whoever wins or loses, the whole goddamn crowd singing a minorrrrrr has to be the peak of the night.
Why be concerned about that at this point?
They have those???