What have the set times been so far? Trying to plan travel/babysitters for Sunday in Cinci.
Got to talk to them tonight. They have Nick, who used to play in The 1994 with Ben, touring on guitar. Amazing show. Possibly my favorite set...
I can't wait to grab my copy at tonight's show. You've got my expectations set really high.
That's a GREAT setlist. I can't recall ever seeing an acoustic song, and Luna is a fantastic surprise. Anybody happen to get Have Mercy and...
I'm counting on someone from Chicago to get setlists for all 3 bands hopefully.
The Taking Back Sunday album?
Please somebody post a setlist.
Anybody get a setlist from Columbus last night?
Nobody has created a thread for this new tour in the tour forum and I'm too "new" to post. Anybody willing to start one? Hoping to see the setlist...
Anybody grab the TDS setlist tonight?
Can someone do a live setlist on Twitter? Is that too needy?? My wife is way too stoked for this tour and begging me for a setlist
Anybody going to Indy tomorrow? So psyched to see the boys and swing by DJs Lounge.
The Dangerous Summer killed it last night. It's so good to see them back at it. Missed The Band Camino to recover from day-drinking. Microwave...
Anybody got the setlist for The Band Camino? They have a small catalog of seems, but just interested to see what's being played.
At the Indy show now. TEN was pretty good. Where are Sergio and Jeff?? I'm friends with Jeff on Facebook and didn't see anything. Saosin was...