mind linking the interviews? this all has me back in erra fiend mode for the first time in a while lol
really thinking about it, impulse and augment are like the best attributes of controller + born of osiris + cove era saosin in a blender
controller gave jesse his vision for what this band was gonna sound like which is super cool
i really like drift for what it is but jt's vocals and the odd production choices keep it firmly at 5th place erra for me behind the first and...
impulse and augment have absolutely aged amazingly. those two albums set such a strong template for the scene and their songwriting across those...
this is the best theyve sounded since the first ep. really dig the ways they kinda thread together influence from everything in their discog...
hopefully its a bit more lively than the last one. i know a lot of people ate it up but i couldnt vibe with the more linear alt rock style
here and now is miles better than given credit and looks better with each passing album. last one i dug was lf/lt
no interest in the techs anymore but i gotta take a minute to shoutout how sick that northlane album was a few years back
senses fails a funny example because they did eventually reinvent themselves drastically with renacer, and since pivoting back to the same old so...
only song thats even vaguely a skip for me is out of reach, although i cannot lie im not a fan of that one lol crash and burn + rise and fall are...
i dug this one for what it was
a little fight kinda reminds me that some of the material on short songs absolutely demolishes, albeit very different stylistic takes on small...
tales is great! scorching hot take but i like it more than hours lol i will say i didnt experience this band in real time, so i think it was...
stress aint my jam but ima be honest after these last two albums nothing even crossed my mind here as the bottom of their barrel and that enough...