Reign Over Me was almost at the bottom of my serious ranking. I liked it the first time I saw it then tried rewatching it some time later and...
it rivals his career best performances even if it’s less showy than Uncut Gems or PDL
“Comedic” roles 1. Happy Gilmore 2. Billy Madison 3. Click 4. The Wedding Singer 5. Big Daddy 6. Sandy Wexler 7. The Waterboy 8. Hubie Halloween...
The Replacements calling an album Let it Be rules
“Nobody wished for this” seems apt
I’ve liked so many artists and bands with bad names that I don’t really care what an artist or band is called at all
Imagine being a director who made the highest grossing film of all time and proudly bragging you used AI and that it was something “any 10 year...
Hell yeah Raymond Carver
Would love to support my forever champ Timeless Toni Storm and see Queen of the Ring
It is
I have felt no draw towards any of the Disney live action remakes. My heart has other priorities.
Swerve takes the title at Dynasty, Swerve/Hangman for the belt at All In. Fuck waiting for Darby