there's an eponymous country artist that's why
I’ll come in and dispense the knowledge I acquired while researching stuff. For all intents and purposes Tony WAS Ava House. He also is the de...
You're essentially making yourselves the judges of which abuse is "acceptable" or not, which has no point unless you want to excuse something. The...
again and again, deflection, deflection, deflection, and the debate goes back to civility, and the facts are ignored, refused. How many times do I...
What I’ve seen essentially is the conversation being derailed from “the music media have enabled the return of this person who has used the...
man I’m so glad I made the choice to not be involved in this scene anymore. Tbh going back to this site was a mistake and I shouldn’t even have posted
You can’t have a productive discourse when there are still ppl he’s manipulated out there who he hasn’t even acknowledged. The whole thing is...
MAN, this industry is an unsalvageable trash heap. Just... gross. I’ll never forget seeing all these people who claimed to support survivors read...
If yall want a semi-objective view (although we all know objectivity is fake) I don't really care for/have any attachment to Mitski's music and I...
"I'm putting fear on the long term IL" I love it
Ugh this actually really bummed me out. As someone with ASD... fucking hate this. Being autistic doesn't make you prey on kids. I just... this is...
he has a knack for putting words on feelings I didn't think were possible to describe. Sometimes they're so stupidly simple like the ones from...
yeah John K's lyrics are, to me, some of the best if not the best of the genre. One line I think is absolutely incredible is this one on Winter...
Thing is for YEARS people told me left and leaving was their most accessible and that's where I should start. I was never hooked by L&L so never...
I come back to his thread once a month when I'm bored and honestly it just reminds me how right of a decision for myself it was to give up the DIY...