I was listening to the bank Sharks the other day and wish the lead singer had a project with him as lead vocalist. Think he is in another band on...
The Nightmares also features the vocalist from the band Sharks on drums and backing vocals which is cool. Miss that band.
Love this album already. Sean hits hard when the voicemail kicks in. OMW is interesting and seems like a grower. Favourite so far outside...
All songs so far are great. Latest one might be my favourite so far.
It is a cover of an OI band called Cock Sparrer apparently.
Have I missed something? Or is this a joke which has gone over my head
In for this. Both new songs are very good. Also like Still Basically a God so happy that is on the album. Wish I had lyrics for the new song....
Great song. Looking forward to seeing what comes next. Seems to have been teasing a video and listening parties for it on Twitter.
Found out yesterday his Dad is one of the backers for the new British new channel GB news which is pretty much based around the idea of Fox News....
I liked this on first listen. Think I only gave their debut one listen so didn't know a lot about them. Singer oddly reminds me of Joe from Transit.
Looking forward to this. BOT and Talon of the Hawk are my favourite records of them. So good live too.
Think they are just doing the odd thing at the moment. Few gigs and the odd release. Nik (one of the singers) released an EP last Friday which...
Wasn't that about Shavo being an anti vaxxer?
Non of the singles released so far have been that great. New one seems to mean a lot to the members but it is a bit basic and fits well as a...
Not showing on UK spotify yet for some reason. I like the two new songs but don't yet love them.