swerve beating moxley at dynasty is such a more profoundly dope moment than waiting for darby allin to come back and beat moxley for the belt...
speedball v mortos would be so gangster
i would love eddie back as soon as possible, but i don't think he's back until like the CC or somethin
should punk rollins reigns main event? absolutely will it? not convinced i can totally see them having that match go on before cody and cena on...
have the giants signed anyone cool yet
i threw my hands up laughing that christian is allowed to interfere in a standard match, then hits copeland with a foreign object before he's in...
*pushes up glasses*
I’m a half hour or so behind bc I stopped to make dinner but Mariah v Toni literally perfect
hurt syndicate okada mone ospreay swerve toni omega page moxley my picks fwiw
im a sucka and pay tony khan lmao
if you're watching on a computer -- [spoiler]
hey he didnt actually wrestle i am absolved
bro I’ve been repenting
saw Queen of the ring yesterday and it was pretty fun, Toni storm has like 4 lines lmao
I might go to the gym after the ppv west coast privilege