Iyo vs Liv....two weeks in a row delivering a random nothing match on Raw. Raquel/Dakota played their parts well too. Raquel needed that. Her work...
^ was just about to say that lol It's funny how a band can connect so much in certain areas, especially still today in a smaller world. I...
Huh. The algorithm has been putting her on my reels feed for a while and didn't know she was actually trying to be a real thing.
I have 0 interest in black crowes, Nelly, oar...and like 15% interest in Lenny kravitz But Green Day, Cake, Live, Fountains of Wayne, Spin...
Man you combine all of these bands into 2 days and im 100% in. Eveey day it's like "ahhh just switch 2 bands for a different day and it's perfect"
We rushed it at the end. Rushed the time slot and rules. But yes if we stay on it in the beginning I'm in
And tbh i expected a "bigger name" to be dropped at least once a day too. It's gotten to the point where I stopped checking...and people are now...
Yeah ^ bingo. I was hesitant on them from the beginning because of their lack of true star power. They needed to do some sort of "higher power"...
Chiefs get all the calls and it's rigged so they win Also, the chiefs have an unwatchable superbowl and get blown out by 30 pts This nfl script...
At this point. The team are all super legends and we are winners. So we got to a point where we had very rare goal posts (legit greatest of all...
Legacy is over but what are you gonna do. Mahomes played like diarrhea and Reid didn't have a good game plan. A team that had obviously holes had...
Melt down game
Mahomes is playing a like a fucking asshole. My god
Semi justified Roman was a piece of shit for 5 years and youre all forgiving him heel faction... Owen's McIntyre Rollins (sami)
And Isla Dawn!??? Wtf. Okay this one i don't understand this at all. I don't understand why the wwe don't see money or see some money in is...