Whoops, so either I've vastly misunderstood what they're doing, or the communication has been very muddled. The implication I've gotten from the...
I feel like what they should have done was some form of, "We now have two singers, Matty will handle the brunt of it for now, Stephen will join us...
This song is still too much of a banger even 20 years later to sound bad regardless of who's singing. But I can't see myself listening to an...
Fallout criminally low on that list! Good ranking otherwise though.
All-timer episode. It might be the one I think about most when I think about this show.
Fallen Kingdom is easily my favorite of the sequel trilogy, it's the only one that seems to actively know how silly it is and has a lot of fun...
Viggo as Aragorn was perfect, lightning-in-a-bottle casting 20+ years ago and is still one of my favorite performances of all time, but boy does...
Maybe I let this thread get to my head before I gave the record a proper listen, but this is...pretty enjoyable? No real missteps for me, and it's...
I’ve thought about it for months, but finally settled on Jeff Schneeweis from Number One Gun. Stephen is featured on NOG’s song “Disappear” and...
Definitely looks like a made-for-tv version of Villeneuve's Dune universe. My excitement for this has definitely dropped since knowing DV was no...
Song sounds huge, and these guys always know how to write an earworm of a chorus. But damn I really wish I could get onboard with how Matty sounds.
To me the difference between this show and the Hobbit movies is that TROP feels like it's at least trying to be faithful to Tolkien's *themes*...
This new song rules and Emily sounds great. Part of me hates to say it, but I haven't been this pumped for an LP release in over a decade.
This song rules
There's a handful of songs here that would've made a perfect opener, but I don't think Animals is one of them. Such an odd choice to open the...