JESUS FUCK I was not ready for that.
I’m going to rewatch this week’s episode sometime this weekend. I knew what was coming thanks to me being overzealous and reading too many comic...
Holy shit, this monologue is ass.
GET. CARBINK. OUT. OF. 10K. EGGS. I've hatched like 5 straight from my 10k eggs and I'm over it.
Posting to sub to this thread. I haven’t been this hyped for a new album in a long time.
In a world where every other band has done some sort of reunion, it’s a crime PBC haven’t done at least one reunion show. If it’s because Jimmy...
I didn’t think I could get more excited for the PTW/Glassjaw tour. The fact that it’s 2025 and PTW isn’t just back, but are releasing really...
Picked up my tickets to both nights in SF. I'm really grateful for my good luck that planted the two nights during my Summer Break from work. I...
I haven't felt heartbroken about a band break up/member leaving a band since The Movielife broke up in 2003.
So long as Bayside plays “A Synonym for Acquiesce” on night one I won’t give a single care nor complaint about whatever else they play.
I couldn’t be more stoked for this tour. An Opposite of December tour is rad enough on its own, but Glassjaw opening is amazing.
If Arms Length really is the TBA band I’m even more frustrated that this tour isn’t coming to Northern California.
I fucking wish.
My screening of this just ended. I went in with zero expectations, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I’m not sure how the other...