Buddy getting a match where Okada tries will be lost among the other highlights of Grand Slam but I appreciated it.
My buddy had three bets go through with that last touchdown so good for the Chiefs I guess?
I ain't mad at this at all. The Raptors could make a serious playoff push next season.
I will take one SloMo absolutely
My buddy is timing the time in between matches rn. I'm glad they're taking time to tell me that John Mellancamp is here.
Wah wah wahhhhhh
There's a bunch of wrestlers that seems to just be hanging on to be Nia Jax fodder but Alexa Bliss and Jordynne Grace don't get much at all. Annoying.
We need some eliminations damn
Dynamite was meh but I'm genuinely looking forward to an MJF/Hangman feud. MJF's character is at his best when he's at his most insecure and...
New track rules. That main riff is hard as hell.
Also, I feel dirty saying this but.... I enjoyed RAW more than Dynamite this week. Ugh. Gotta have a shower now.
Man, if Hobbs isn't gonna have a big push any time soon they gotta put him with Hurt Syndicate so he can at least be with a faction that has some...
Let Rhea talk during her own championship celebration damn
They need to chill out on the drone shots. Stops being cool after the 5th or so time.
The Ring General feuding with the YEET merchant does not move me but I guess Jey is for the children.