Just got back from seeing this. First Egger’s movie I’ve seen so I can’t compare there but it was a great looking movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit...
My favorite Thrice song is Hold Up a Light… …kidding but TBEITBN is may be my second favorite Thrice record after Beggars. I could never shake...
This is incredibly disappointing. I know that everyone makes mistakes and all, but I really looked up to Dave as he always seemed to be a really...
The more I listen to this the more I absolutely love it. Heart of Sedona just hits for me. Been listening to this a lot on walks and there’s just...
I do really like this album but I felt the same haha. Great pairing of records.
They should move on - the play calling out of the half was horrible and lost them this game.
Shanahan immediately abandoning the run in the second half is so typical Shanahan.
Just finished Echo. Overall really enjoyed it - still a little mixed on the “powers” element for the character but really did love the focus on...
Really enjoyed this. Wasn’t sure about the prior episode ending at the time - but I think they handled it very well in the finale. Hoping for a...
I’m picturing ER-era Clooney swinging a lightsaber now in full scrubs haha.
God damn I need more of this story now. I hate to admit but I got so wrapped up in the Ezra, Ahsoka, Sabine action I legitimately forgot about...
so good haha
I was sort of expecting that to happen and at first glance was a little … I don’t want to say disappointed … but surprised. The more I thought...
Get Tim in here. He loves that movie haha. Such a fun watch.
I get the feeling that Shin is going to switch sides. Maybe I’m misreading it, but I felt like she was upset that Baylon was going after Ezra....