work sucks world is falling apart but my speech delayed (now 3!) son has been making some real progress and my wife an i are heading to hawaii for...
demolition man is a banger. october is starting to look extra stacked
bouncing from work early today to drive to the coast for a first ever cousins only get together on my dads side of the family. Gonna be like 15 of...
Fourth of July is like next week and I have seen a surprisingly low amount of flags around my ruralish town lately
i thought noise was made when two vibrations love each other very much. also wtf is aldi?
As someone who listened to Postcard a million times before LWM came out, we’ll all be ok getting lost in the Sorrow Machine
Sorrow Machine just blew me away. Those backing vocals? Whew
Yooooo it’s happening!
Life’s been hella busy so I haven’t been around much. But I just found out I got a job with great benefits, more flexibility, and a union. The...
Yeah, they are nowhere near the punk band they used to be and aren’t trying to act like it either. If you want a chill drugged out jam sesh (which...
The Bible forbids the laying of sides and entrees in a single menu item
Call me crazy everyone but I think Paramore might be… a group of people playing music
[img] The rats name is Remmy Source: I have watched the film against my will thousands of times, usually only the first half too