Ah - yeah so the Political ad category gets very spicey in the US when Elections heat up. Should we block the entire category of Politics and...
Thank you for reporting! We pushed out a fix for this, please let us know if you see anything else!
On it! Just pushed out a change, can you give it 20 minutes to propagate and then let me know if you're still getting these?
We put some more blocks in place, anything since you saw that one?
What I'm really curious about is if you actually ever got the $1,000. Seriously though - we've been monitoring an enormous attack that came in...
Sidebar - I use iOS and absolutely refuse to ever open Safari, unless I'm testing broken ad creative. :) Definitely a thing... Apple hardware is...
Still looking good after the weekend?
Dangit.... OK we put some more blocks in place, have you seen anything since about 2pm today?
Hey! Thanks so much for the introduction. As @Jason Tate Said - We want to capture, diagnose and fix any ad issues that you guys see as fast...