Guess I was a couple months late in upgrading to the higher Patreon tier- extremely bummed, as I didn’t know there was a cutoff. If anyone is at...
I think Andy posted something on Instagram towards the end of last year re: handwritten lyrics for the holidays… but only left it up for a short...
I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to skip a few songs tonight- Ace mentioned they had a hard stop at 10pm and they ended up flying through the...
Limited to One is by far my favorite shop in Manhattan.
So… do we think this vinyl is actually going to ship from Equal Vision some time soon? Know when preorders went up back in September it was...
I’ve been trying not to overplay this before the vinyl arrives, but dang… 3+ mos. is a loooooong time. I guess they just wanted to release...
I have been wondering this as well! (Catching them next week). From instagram story clips, it looks like [SPOILER] Something along those lines?
Found a couple articles discussing the new album. Sounds like will be further continuation of the Kodak sound, as some of y’all have mentioned and...
Hype train
Still cannot believe we’re going to get two AGO LPs in two calendar years….
I’d love new music as much as anyone, but if they’re not feeling it then I totally respect that. Think this was a cool way to hear some songs I...
Oh, no- this is my nightmare! We live on the east side but left during Ghosts (one of my least favorite Blink songs) because they started a bit...
There were two separate clips. One sounded very much like Bad Books. The other sounded like the electronic intro to Bed Head, but more...
Lydia’s Assailants is up for pre order via Near Mint:
Before the album came out they had a TVOV tshirt and I think a canvas bag, as well