accelerateto88 Perfectly balanced.
    1. EmoEmpire
      EmoEmpire Nov 7, 2019
      Hey I just listened to Living Chivalry. Your band is awesome! I love punk rock stuff and have 15 songs with the drums done I'm going to be releasing as Pieces Of Flair (cause Emo Empire is straight rock stuff) I don't know how active you are anymore but would love to do a split EP with you if you thought that was cool. I just can't believe Living Chivalry isn't massive - or are you signed now? Are you still doing stuff? Mate I'd fully buy your CD but shipping costs are crazy here to New Zealand! Anyway, just thought I'd ask if you were up for a split EP. Thanks!
      1. accelerateto88
        Only just now seeing this. Thanks so much! If you want a CD I can send you one if you just cover the shipping cost itself.

        I'm not signed with this project, no. I am kind of on and off with writing and recording new music right now. Got about 11 songs in various stages of completeness but hoping to release a new album in the next year.

        Just listened to your 3 tracks on Bandcamp, some pretty promising stuff there. I hope you get back into it!
        Nov 18, 2020
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    Oct 11, 1983 (Age: 41)
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    Southside High School (Elmira, NY)
    SUNY Oneonta (Oneonta, NY)
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