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Person L Announce New Show

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. Gen Martinez

    Listen To Saves The Day.

    Yes!! I love everything Kenny does. Was happy to see Person L with I Can Make A Mess almost 10 years ago and it was awesome.
    serotonin and Chase Tremaine like this.
  3. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    This was the Copeland farewell tour no?
  4. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    When the Weatherbox show was announced I scooped up a ticket the second they went on sale. Person L getting added literally seemed like a dream
  5. daldalian

    hopelessly yours, Alabama

    Person L is my favorite thing Kenny has ever done, would love to hear new music from the project or for him to do a tour.
    Bartek T. likes this.
  6. Glad to see Kenny embracing the past more as years go by. There was a period just after the TSL reunion tour where I heard little but "he's distancing himself from pop punk as much as he can."

    I have no idea how much truth there was to that at the time, but seeing Person L come back around is heartwarming. Fingers crossed for some midwest dates.
    russvanderhoof likes this.
  7. pauldunions

    Regular Supporter

    So excited. I already had a ticket to see Weatherbox
  8. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    God it would be insane to see Weatherbox and Person L together.
  9. Gen Martinez

    Listen To Saves The Day.

    Yes! Went to the St. Pete and Ft. Lauderdale shows. Was doing some documentary photography of Ace and his family/tour during that time! Was awesome!
  10. contra11mundum

    I hate spoilers. Supporter

    Nice! I saw that tour in Akron. Great, great show all around.
  11. serotonin

    who told you this room exists? Supporter

    That's awesome! I actually got a press pass to the Minneapolis show myself. That was a hell of a show. Here's some of the pictures I took way back then. Person L/ICMAM
    Bartek T. and benschuyler like this.
  12. noKings


  13. Echo all these comments. Got box tickets right away, now beyond stoked that Person L is opening!
    serotonin likes this.
  14. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    Person L was my favorite outlet for Kenny, mixed with Aaron Marsh's production, woah! Hope they'd do at least a new EP like TSL has done as well, would be great!
    serotonin likes this.